Justus Kizito Siboe Makokha

Books/Plays Reviewer

BIO: Dr Makokha teaches Literature and Theatre at Kenyatta University

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How Bukusu fell afoul of divide-and-rule

Thomson’s travels led to him to the realise regional rivalries

How Maasai invasion pushed the Luhya

They displaced the Bukusu who in turn displaced the Sabaots

13 decades of anticolonial memory

Wanga power was real at the time the Mzungu came to Kenya

Fiction tapped in climate change advocacy

Cli-fi depicts degrading habitat and prompts action to save it

Performing arts through radio on the rise

It is a beacon of infotainment amid sensational talk shows

Folk music and masculinity in Western

Micah Wanyenje is shining as folk songs usher in initiation season

Petals of the Sun: Tribute to the comrades KU lost

The university is grappling with profound sorrow and disbelief

Ode to Peter Amuka, maestro of literary journalism in Kenya

His astuteness as a senior researcher in literature, orature and theatre has always been evident.

Happy Good Friday and death of Lenten tales

There is no love lost when would-be lovers have a fatal embrace

Lent nights and the road to Damascus

Mhesh suffers a moment of weakness at a dim pub in Githurai

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