CS Linturi survives impeachment bid in fertiliser probe

House select committee found allegations to be unsubstantiated.

In Summary
  • Select committee found allegations to be unsubstantiated.
  • Some seven members voted to clear Linturi with four members dissenting
Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi answers audit questions from the Agriculture committee in Parliament on March 22, 2023.
Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi answers audit questions from the Agriculture committee in Parliament on March 22, 2023.
Image: FILE

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi has survived an impeachment motion after a select committee found allegations to be unsubstantiated.

The report was tabled by Marsabit woman representative Naomi Waqo who chaired the 11-member select committee during the Monday's special sitting.

Waqo said that the majority of the members found all the three allegations against the CS to be unsubstantiated.

Some seven members voted to clear Linturi with four members dissenting

"Four members committee dissented and made their opinion known to the committee. The dissenting report is attached to the report," Waqo noted.

She said that the committee was guided by the Constitution and the standing orders.

"The committee has the opportunity to sit and allow all the parties to present themselves," she said.

This effect means that no further proceedings shall be taken.

"The committee now stands dissolved," Wetangula stated.

In her remarks, Waqo pointed out that the committee undertook its mandate as required by the Constitution with all parties being accorded equal opportunities.

"We analysed every evidence that was submitted to this committee by all the parties and make our findings in accordance with the requirements of Article 152 (9) of the constitution," she said.

Bumula MP Jack Wamboka who moved the motion to oust the CS listed three grounds.

They are gross violation of the constitution, serious reason for believing that the cabinet secretary has committed a crime under national law and gross misconduct.

Kenya Kwanza was represented in the committee by George Murugara (Tharaka), Jane Njeri (Kirinyaga), Samuel Chepkonga (Ainabkoi), Malulu Injendi (Malava) and Kassim Tandaza (Matuga)

Deputy Minority leader Robert Mbui (Kathiani), Yussuf Farah (Wajir West), Catherine Omanyo (Busia) and TJ Kajwang (Ruaraka) represent the Minority.

While rising on a point of order, Aldai MP Maryanne Kitany who had been mentioned adversely during the hearings urged the speaker to have her name expunged from the proceedings.

She pointed that this necessary because all her efforts to appear before the committee to defend herself were denied.

"I requested to appear before the committee because I mentioned in almost all the proceedings when the CS was giving his defence to the effect that I was even the sponsor of the motion," she submitted.

In his ruling, Wetangula acknowledged the concern including a letter from her assuring her that she will get an opportunity to make a statement in the floor of the House.

"I got the letter when the committee's time was over, the committee has tabled a report...under standing order 184, at an appropriate time the speaker will give you an opportunity to make a personal statement," he ruled.

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