Malombe keen to streamline boda boda sector, says chief officer Musya

County wants to see a disciplined, respectful and a formidable economic sub-sector

In Summary
  • The County government wants to see the over 22,000 boda boda operators enrolled into saccos.
  • Chief officer Peter Musya was addressing boad boda leaders from Kitui West subcounty on Monday.
Kitui County chief officer for transport and boda boda, Peter Musya, addressing boda boda sector leaders from Kitui West subcounty on Monday
PROMISE Kitui County chief officer for transport and boda boda, Peter Musya, addressing boda boda sector leaders from Kitui West subcounty on Monday

Kitui County government has embarked in a process to streamline and galvanise the boda boda sector into a disciplined, respectful and a formidable economic subsector.

County chief officer for transport and boda boda Peter Musya said Governor Julius Malombe was keen to end the ragtag ways which boda boda operators are known for, for the good.

Consequently, Musya said the County government had begun a drive to map out and sensitise the over 22,000 operators on the need to register as members of umbrella ward level boda boda saccos.

“We want to have the data and information on all the boda boda players in Kitui all of whom should without exception be members of saccos. That way we will be able to accord them feasible support,” said the chief officer.

Kitui county chief officer for transport and boda boda Peter Musya who is a former boda boda rider, tries his hand on a motorbike after the meeting with boda boda leaders from Kitui West on Monday.
MEMORY Kitui county chief officer for transport and boda boda Peter Musya who is a former boda boda rider, tries his hand on a motorbike after the meeting with boda boda leaders from Kitui West on Monday.
Image: MUSEMBI Nzengu

Musya was addressing a consultative meeting with boda boda sector leaders from Kitui West subcounty at a hotel at Kabati market on Monday.

The chief officer urged the riders to form and join  saccos enmasse  in order to benefit from government support.

He said as a former boda boda operator, his appointment as a chief officer in charge of the sector was testimony that Malombe recognised the boda boda sector as a key economic driver.

The chief officer said besides spurring the boda bada industry, the county government would work to streamline the sector and harness its economic potential to transform lives of the players for the better.

“Through the saccos, there will be constant direct consultation between the boda bodas and the County government on issues affecting the industry and thus addressing them,” he said.

“We are keen to see all boda boda operators in Kitui county become members of saccos because the saccos are the units of engagement between the county administration and the sector players," he added.

Boda boda leaders from Kitui West sub county putting on reflectors donated to them by the county government of Kitui during the Monday meeting.
MEET UP Boda boda leaders from Kitui West sub county putting on reflectors donated to them by the county government of Kitui during the Monday meeting.

He said Malombe had elaborate plans to uplift the lives and welfare of boda boda riders through capacity building, issuance of licences and reflectors and helmets as well as other empowerment plans.

Musya said boda boda capacity building will entail training on financial management, road traffic and safety, drug abuse as well as HIV/AIDs awareness programmes. He said boda boda sheds will be set up and have  security lights.

“We want also to end the wrong perception that boda boda operators are rogue and lack discipline. They will be inducted on good manners and how to interact with clients and other people with decorum,” said the chief officer.

Speaking earlier, the County deputy director for roads and transport, Benard Mulevu, had lamented that some boda boda players were associated with early teenage girls’ pregnancies, petty crimes and careless road accidents.

Mulevu said with the streamlining of the boda boda sector all the wrong things the boda boda men were accused of would be a thing of the past.

The Kitui County Boda boda chairman Kevin Kivala and the Kitui County director for Roads , transport and boda boda Benard Mulevu makes a gesture in unison during the Monday meeting.
TOGETHER The Kitui County Boda boda chairman Kevin Kivala and the Kitui County director for Roads , transport and boda boda Benard Mulevu makes a gesture in unison during the Monday meeting.

The chairperson of the Kitui county boda boda, Kelvin Kavala said the sector players sought the County government’s support and partnership after finding the going a bit tough.


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