Journalist, Political and Parliamentary Reporter
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Ruto’s bag of goodies for Western as he leads Madaraka fete

Celebrations to be held in Masinde Muliro stadium Bungoma amid disquiet

Locked MPs shun Sh9bn tower, opt for fancy hotels

Construction of the impressive building for parliamentary committees started in 2008.

AFC directors owe agency Sh58 million – auditor

Taxpayers are at risk of losing millions to the defaulting directors

Senators seek to 'raise bar’ for new IEBC commissioners

Lawmakers move to tighten qualification for electoral agency bosses.

Senate opens inquiry into free visa

The Electronic Travel Authorisation system has replaced the vacated visa requirements

Governor Jama probed for running county without chief officers

The Governor has reportedly been running the administration without COs since 2022

Scrap Metal Council protests puny fine on suspected smuggler

The court ordered a driver found ferrying scrap batteries to pay a fine of Sh30,000

CSs face Sh500k fine for delaying regulations

The current law bestows the responsibility of making regulations on cabinet secretaries

Locked Hand over Sh1.8bn stalled county headquarters, Treasury told

A Senate committee says counties in question continue to incur millions in rent for office space.

Locked Why Azimio faces imminent collapse

Raila has maintained political lull, Mt Kenya troops unveil a new coalition

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